ESA data have been used to develop the new Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Green Growth headline indicator on land-cover change. All - United Nations Environment Programme The present report presents an overview of the state of green growth in the Netherlands, using the set of indicators proposed by the OECD in February 2011. Green Growth Indicators | UNEP - UN Environment Programme Report Green Growth Indicators A first set of green growth indicators was proposed in Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress in 2011. green growth knowledge through collaborative research committees, conferences and workshops MANAGE . This report updates and extends those indicators. [UN Press Release] [UNEP Press Release] [GGKP Press Release] [GGKP Website] GREEN IS GOLD ThE STRaTEGy aND acTIONS Of chINa'S EcOLOGIcaL cIvILIzaTION United Nations Environment Programme P.O. If current trends continue, the global per capita use of natural resources will increase by 70 per cent by 2050. 5 Apply the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) filter ; Details: June 2021. Target 9.4: By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in . The possible indicators cover emissions, access to energy and water, literacy and chemicals in drinking water, among others. Programme (UNEP), and World Bank. Environmental governance is a concept in political ecology and environmental policy that advocates sustainability (sustainable development) as the supreme consideration for managing all human activities—political, social and economic. This was the second full year of Green Economy projects in the Western Using Indicators For Green Economy Policymaking •Link between indicators framework and integrated policymaking process •UNEP, 2015. Indicators on green growth can help the public to better understand how it can contribute and support the transition to a green economy. World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. Moving towards a Common Approach on Green Growth Indicators — sector: Research, education, administration — theme: Environment and climate, Industry (greening of) These four institutions UN Environment has developed a methodology for the measurement of SDG Target Indicator 12.7.1. Goal 2: Zero Hunger. In our endeavor to develop a future road map for green growth of the transport sector in India, this chapter discusses in detail the key trends of the transport sector in India, the key issues and challenges . 3 December 2012: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has released a report suggesting indicators to measure progress towards a green economy that can be used to guide sustainable development policy interventions. Framework and the Western Cape Government Green Economy Indicators The scope of this report covers work undertaken and progress achieved . These indicators were selected in order to capture the main elements of a circular economy. Wider and Deeper - Launch of PAGE 2030 strategy, linking with GO 4 SDGs initiative. UNU-IHDP and UNEP launch sustainability index that looks beyond GDP. under the WCG Green is Smart Green Economy Strategy Framework for the financial year beginning on 1 April 2014 and ending on 31 March 2015. • Bioeconomy must be the primary sustainable Colombian economics motor (Bioeconomy Mision). The rapid rate of urban growth has created enormous challenges. I coordinate UNEP-WCMC's efforts to track the effectiveness of protected areas as part of the Protected Planet Initiative and in close collaboration with key partners. At the international level, a World Resources Institute (WRI) / World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) collaboration is aiming to produce a GHG Protocol which • Green Growth mission aimed for increasing bioeconomy share of GDP from 0,9% to 2,1% by 2030. GREEN GROWTH •The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) likewise defines it as a development path whose growth in income and employment is driven by public and private investments to reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity. The authoring team included staff members from the OED (Tomasz Koźluk and Ziga Zarnic), GGGI (Hoseok Kim), UNEP (Fulai Sheng, Andrea Bassi, and Markus Lehmann), and the World Bank (Marianne Fay, Kirk Hamilton, Erika Jorgensen, and Glenn-Marie Lange). The data will help model future climate-impact scenarios, allowing better planning of coastal infrastructure investments to protect vulnerable . Special in their approach is the use of sectoral indicators. The green economic theories . The World Bank published Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development in May 2012 and has set up a Green Growth Knowledge Platform in collaboration with the OECD, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and a new The Strategy is first and foremost about implementing change and achieving a common purpose: a world that is stronger, cleaner, and fairer. Using its own preferred label of 'the green economy', the United Nations Environment Programme has published a 600-page report (UNEP 2011). being sustainable to smooth the green growth transition process. The methodology was last updated based on lessons learned during a pilot phase which took place in August-September 2019. Make or break for green economy. OECD uses ESA data to measure green growth. UNEP developed a framework for environmental indicators to identify key indicators of air, water, land and biodiversity. Energy Transitions Indicators. 8 The Arab region is highly vulnerable to climate change, and there are pressing mitigation & UNEP FI Draft for Consultation . It also presents the results from the global applications of both indices, including a detailed discussion of the results for two country case studies in Mexico and China, as well as the results for a common application of both methodologies for a selected number of . In summary, the strategy states the reasons why a green growth strategy is critical, then provides a framework for green growth and continues with options for promotion of the transition. Authorship & Acknowledgements This paper was produced under the GGKP program on Green Growth Measurement and Indicators. •UNEP, 2014. Selected Green Growth Indicators in the Slovak Republic | UNEP - UN Environment Programme Report Selected Green Growth Indicators in the Slovak Republic This publication summarizes the development and the present state of the individual indicators. greener growth. Building on these encouraging developments, we plan to both deepen and broaden our analysis in order to provide governments with a full range of green growth indicators and continue to address In 2011, the OECD launched a green growth strategy titled Towards Green Growth. Health Indicators of sustainable cities in the Context of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development Initial findings from a WHO Expert Consultation: 17-18 May 2012 Key messages: More than two-thirds of the global population will be living in cities by 2050. The publications, Towards Green Growth and Towards Green Growth - Monitoring Progress: OECD Indicators summarise the work done so far. Although many green economy policies were endorsed in Rio, no new international commitments emerged. ADB/ESCAP/UNEP, 2012; OECD, 2013). green growth as overarching objectives for the development of the African continent. Delete record "Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress: OECD Indicators" . It uses available data while also earmarking areas where new indicators are in the process of being developed, in particular for green public procurement and food waste. Water and the green economy. UNEP, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Bank and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) founded the GGKP in 2012. Health Indicators of sustainable cities in the Context of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development Initial findings from a WHO Expert Consultation: 17-18 May 2012 Key messages: More than two-thirds of the global population will be living in cities by 2050. New growth indicators already exist—including the Inclusive Wealth Index, developed by UNEP and the UN University—but they are yet to enter into widespread use, even though they clearly show . 15.9.1 (a) Number of countries that have established national targets in accordance with or similar to Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 in their national biodiversity strategy and action plans and the progress reported towards these targets; and (b) integration of biodiversity into national . It currently has 29 partners. - Expanding new GGKP green finance This publication launches the Inclusive Green Growth Index, which captures the key dimensions of economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability. Box 30552 Nairobi, 00100 Kenya The rapid rate of urban growth has created enormous challenges. OECD Towards Green Growth (2011); Putting Green Growth at the Heart of Development (2013) UNEP Towards a Green Economy (2011) World Bank Inclusive Green Growth (2012) UNEP, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Bank and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) founded the GGKP in 2012. This is a global network of experts that helps countries to advance on measurement, design and implementation of green The report, titled 'Indicators for a Resource Efficient and Green Asia and the Pacific,' finds that wasteful use of resources is detrimental the region's future growth, but that countries in the region have great potential for low-carbon and resource-efficient growth. As such, green growth is closely related to the concepts of green economy and low-carbon or . OECD / UNIDO Workshop - June 2012 - Agenda - Presentations and Speeches - Partners This expert workshop was organised by the OECD and the UNIDO as part of the UNIDO initiative to develop and monitor green growth in Latin America by using the OECD Green Growth measurement framework and drawing on the rich UNEP experience with environmental indicators in Latin America. Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population) Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population) Population sex ratio. The Swiss Government has committed US$1.7 million over three years to the GGKP. Population, Both sexes, 100+ years. The reports on green growth will be presented at the OECD Ministerial Coun-cil Meeting in May 2011, and will include sets of new tools and recommendations. World Bank, UNEP and GGGI at the GGKP Annual Conference in April 2013. The sustainable management of the environment and natural resources is vital for economic growth and human wellbeing. Green Growth Knowledge Platform Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index - See visualization tools , compare resilience of countries , country rankings and country profiles The Law and Environment Ontology (LEO) portal SUMMARY REPORT: WASTE MANAGEMENT IN ASEAN COUNTRIES Abbreviation ASEAN The Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASCC ASEAN Socio Cultural Community BAT Best Available Technologies BLNG Brunei Liquefied Natural and Gad BMC Brunei Methanol Company BSP Brunei Shell Petroleum CCQMD Composting, Compost Quality and Market Development COMPED Cambodia Education and waste Management Organization Read Book Agriculture And The Green Economy Unep Agriculture And The Green Economy Unep It is widely recognised that climate change poses significant serious threats to sustained economic growth and agricultural development, poverty reduction, food security and political stability globally. Monitoring progress towards green growth requires indicators based on The Green Economy Indicator Guidance Manual provides guidance to countries on the use of Indicators to evaluate policy options at different stages of the policymaking process. It currently has 29 partners. It is simple: economic growth is not compatible with environmental sustainability. Governance includes government, business and civil society, and emphasizes whole system management.To capture this diverse range of elements, environmental . simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive (UNEP, 2011). The Green Economy Post Rio+20. There are three major institutional proponents of green growth theory at the international level: the OECD,theUnitedNationsEnvironmentProgram(UNEP),andtheWorldBank.Eachpublishedflagship reports on green growth around the time of the Rio+ 20 Conference. In summary, the strategy states the reasons why a green growth strategy is critical, then provides a framework for green growth and continues with options for promotion of the transition. Over the past year, I have played a leading role in developing a database of indicators that can be used by Parties to the Convention on . Explore how green growth can transform the world. The Green Economy in Practice: Interactive Workshop 1, February 11th, 2011 The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative of Cleveland, Ohio, is an initiative launched to build capacity in Cleveland's low income areas. UNEP-WCMC. Bank insists that "… green growth is an imperative, not a luxury, for developing Asia"2. As a lens through which to examine growth, the analysis they present is an important first step to designing green growth strategies. Global Green Growth Institute, UNEP and the World Bank) have also used the OECD green growth measurement framework and related indicators. The list is constructed to be short and focused. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) have their own renditions of green growth. Indicators for Green Economy Policymaking -A Synthesis Report of Studies in Ghana, Mauritius and Uruguay •Application of indicators framework in priority sectors at country level adopting green growth . The distinguishing theme of the June 2012 United Nations (UN) Rio+20 conference was the "green economy" or, more precisely, how economies can achieve "green growth" ( 1 ). Indicators and Measurement 30 Apply Indicators and Measurement filter ; . Recently, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) has been established in partnership betweenthe Global Green Growth Institute, the OECD, UNEP, and the World Bank. Policies that promote green growth need to be founded on a good understanding of the determinants of green growth and of related trade-offs or synergies. This Green Climate Fund project, implemented by UNDP, is using airborne LIDAR, a state-of-the-art airplane-mounted technology, to collect precise information on land surface height and seafloor depth. The main reason being that energy cannot be recycled, and materials only up to a point. Green growth is the pursuit of economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner. We promote the transition to economies that are low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. Indicator 12.6.1: Number of companies publishing sustainability reports Population, Both sexes, 0-4 years. specific mechanisms leading to health benefits, and measures or indicators of green space availability, accessibility and use that have been used in previous surveys are discussed from the perspective of their public health relevance and applicability for monitoring progress towards goals set in international the UNEP GHG Indicator can be applied by governments to national circumstances. body, the Global Green Growth Institute, supported by a number of governments, has been created to advise countries on its implementation (GGGI 2012). Explore how green growth can transform the world. • Natural Based Solutions and Bioeconomy are pillars of It is based on the understanding that as long as economic growth remains a predominant goal, a decoupling of economic growth from resource use and adverse environmental impacts is required. UNEP has compiled and collated information on the indicators or index used in the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans and has published a report: Measuring Success: Indicators for Regional . Similarly to the UNEP Green Economy report, the OECD strategy presents options for measuring progress against green growth and begins to explore delivery . The former contains 13 indicators which assess the progress in well-being in relation to economic opportunities, social inclusion and environmental . The Government of Sierra Leone and the African Development Bank share the belief that green growth can bring high-quality growth to all Sierra Leoneans, with more jobs, less pollution, greater resilience and better infrastructure. "Moving towards a Common Approach on Green Growth Indicators" . Countries need to develop tailored and flexible national indicator frameworks that respond to their development priorities and statistical capacities whilst supporting their efforts in monitoring progress towards green economy. Green growth is a term to describe a hypothetical path of economic growth that is environmentally sustainable. The index's 28 performance indicators include data over time—and across countries—on various aspects of growth and policy outcomes in areas where higher investment will advance . As the energy sector accounts for nearly 90% of CO 2 emissions globally, it is the dominant contributor to climate change. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines green growth as 'fostering economic growth and development, while ensuring . Population, Both sexes, 10-14 years. When managed well, renewable natural resources, watersheds, productive landscapes and seascapes can provide the foundation for sustained inclusive growth, food security and pover. About the Project The project, Initiative on Green Growth and Development in India, aims to build evidence through which the Indian economy can move towards an inclusive green growth paradigm of development. Measuring progress towards Green growth • Monitoring progress through indicators at the core of the Green Growth Strategy • Founded on existing work and experience • Measurement framework • Proposed list of indicators -No composite indicator, rather a set of indicators -Selection of 25 indicators; about 20 measurable now -Selection criteria: Policy relevance; Analytical soundness; Source: World Resources Institute (2011) A Compilation of Green Economy Policies, Programs, and Initiatives from Around the World. Some background information on green growth in the Netherlands History Around 2010, two new initiatives were developed at the interface of economic and environmental aspects of sustainability: the OECD's green growth strategy and the UNEP's green economy initiative. The final day of the conference will focus on the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP), a partnership between UNEP, the Global Green Growth Institute, OECD and the World Bank, which has identified green growth indicators as one of its priority areas for research. The World Bank, UNEP, OECD, and Global Green Growth Institute are working together through the Green Growth Knowledge Platform to develop measurements for green growth. Joint initiative of IUCN, UNEP . The Swiss Government has committed US$1.7 million over three years to the GGKP. Broadly, Green Growth policies entail bringing environmental factors into economic decision At the same time, they provide an actionable policy [Note: Even though Global Development Finance (GDF) is no longer listed in the WDI database name, all . They also need to be supported with appropriate information to monitor progress and gauge results. Corporate author OECD Date 2011 Source IUCN (ID: MON-085442) . SDG indicators. [ UN Press Release] [ UNEP Press Release] [ GGKP Press Release] [ GGKP Website] Population size. 06/03/2019 30/06/2021 sonia. Green growth is the pursuit of economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner. The authoring team included staff members from the OECD (Tomasz Koźluk and Ziga Zarnic), GGGI (Hoseok Growth Index and UNEP's Green Economy Progress Index Authors Dr. Lilibeth Acosta Program Manager, Green Growth Performance Measurement, Global Green Growth Institute Dr. Jose Pineda University of British Columbia and United Nations Environment Programme Senior Consultant Ludovica Galotto Global Green Growth Institute Consultant Prapti Maharjan It was founded by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank, and brings together over 40 partner organizations. Green Growth is necessary and economically efficient (World Bank, 2012), vital to the future of developing countries, and it can lead to significant economic and social gains (OECD, 2013). This report assesses the complementarities between these two indices and discusses their main similarities and differences. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. Indicator Number and Name: 12.7.1 Number of countries implementing Sustainable Public Procurement policies and action plans. Similarly to the UNEP Green Economy report, the OECD strategy presents options for measuring progress against green growth and begins to explore delivery . Indicator 2.a.2: Total official flows to the agriculture sector; Indicator 2.b.1: Agricultural export subsidies; Indicator 2.c.1: Indicator of food price anomalies; Goal 12: Responsible Consumption & Production. This paper was produced under the GGKP program on Green Growth Measurement and Indicators. The GEP framework, which complements the United Nations Environment Programme's previous green economy indicators frameworks (2012-2014), comprises a GEP index and a Dashboard of Sustainability. Nowhere are these challenges more marked Created Created. The evaluation aims Mar 2021 - Present10 months. The application of indicator methodologies often requires policymakers to make adjustments to their specific national contexts. UNEP Resource Efficiency 2020+ Trading up Focus on trade for biodiversity and climate, strengthen partnerships with WTO and government champions on green trade, promote green global value chains with China. . green growth assumes centrality of socio-economic inclusivity to sustainable development in India. The global economy recycles less than 10 percent of materials; about 50 percent of processed materials are used to provide energy and are thus not available for recycling. Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress: OECD Indicators. Make or break for green economy; by goal. No single indicator can fully capture the complexity of the global clean energy transition. If we don´t take good care of our Natural Capital this would be an impossible task. Water in the green economy focuses on the socio-economic opportunities that proper water management provides to social and economic development, whilst also . governance bodies mainly focus on conventional soundness indicators, such as, capital adequacy . Green economics is a methodology of economics that supports the harmonious interaction between humans and nature and attempts to meet the needs of both simultaneously. Major international organizations have published initial reviews of green growth, green economy, low emissions, and climate resilient development plans. "greener" and a set of indicators to monitor progress towards green growth. Rio, 17 June 2012 - The world's fixation on economic growth ignores a rapid and largely irreversible depletion of natural . The IEA's clean energy transition indicators look beneath the energy sector's contribution to CO . SDG Indicators - Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. 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