10th Great-granddaughter of Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke — Line 3. Oh my goodness I love being related to folks on the Mayflower! Mary died on 21 March, 1714 at Middleboro, MA. John passed away on month day 1695, at age 88 at death place, Massachusetts. 9th Great-granddaughter of Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke — Line 2. In 1652 Cooke was among the 36 Plymouth colonists who purchased Dartmouth Township from Wampanoag leader Massasoit and his son Wamsutta. John Cooke FRANCIS COOKE (3532), m was s. . New York: Viking. John Cooke at the age of ten years came in the Mayflower with his father Francis, and he married Sarah Warren, daughter of Richard, who also came in the Mayflower, and were always prominent at Plymouth. There is much genealogical detail in a two-volume book a descendant of the same name wrote, Certain Comeoverers, published in 1912, including charts, but no images. Francis COOKE. This information is part of Family Tree Beers by Ciaran M Calaway on Genealogy . Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants - Mayflower ... John spent his early years in Leiden, Holland, and came with his father on the Mayflower in 1620 at the age of about 13 or 14. John Cooke, "Mayflower" Passenger - geni family tree wool comber, b ." John S. Soule Cooke in Register of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of California, Vol. The following are the Mayflower Pilgrims known to have left descendants. John Cooke held Anabaptist views, and was not in accord with the Pilgrim church, and it is suggested that they were entirely willing he should . He was baptized in the Walloon Church at Leyden, Holland sometime between January 1 and March 31, 1606/7 and would've been approximately fourteen years old on arrival at Plymouth with his father, Francis Cooke in 1620. This site is intended to provide historical information about John Cooke, who became one of the most prominent men in the town of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, with a homestead east of the Acushnet River in the section which later became the town of Fairhaven. How to Join - WA Society Mayflower Descendants 397-400. And that is romantic. This is the best, most extensive reference to Mayflower genealogy I have ever found as a genealogist who has ancestors related to Francis & John Cooke, father and son passengers of the Mayflower ship to America. this list reads "Esther de Mahieu." The baptism of John Cooke, Francis and Hester Mahieu Cooke's firstborn son, is also in the Walloon Church records. . JOHN COOKE (I), son of Francis and Hester (Mahieu) Cooke was born about 1612, and came to New England, with his father, in the Mayflower, 1620. Francis Cooke, 1663 John Howland, 1672 Mary Winslow, 1676 George Soule, 1677 Gyles Hopkins, 1682/1683 Henry Sampson, 1684 Elizabeth Howland, 1686 John Cooke, 1694 Peregrine White, 1704 The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims and Its Place in the Life of Today Room 20's Colonial Web Page: The New England Colonies They were the parents of at least 2 sons. Memberships - Mayflower It declared that the colonists were loyal to the King of England, that they were Christians who served God, that they would make fair and just laws, and that they would work . Descendants of John COOKE (bet. 1606-1607-23 November 1695 ... He died on November 23, 1695 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, Verenigde Staten. The Mayflower 500: Five Hundred Notable Descendants of the Founding Families on the Mayflower, Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society (2020), 14-15, 108, 140-142, 293, . They had four children, of whom only Jon was a passenger with his father. In 1620, when the Mayflower arrived in New England, a young boy, John Cooke, was on board with his father Francis. Libraries near you: WorldCat. At a special event on Friday, 3/16, in the Fairhaven Town Hall auditori­um, and sponsored by the John Cooke arrived in America at the age of 14 in the year 1620 with his father Francis aboard the Mayflower. John Cooke, 13, son (Leiden). The Cooke Family. John came with his father on the Mayflower. 27, 145-153. John's will was dated 9 Nov 1694, probated 16 Apr 1696. Francis and his son John immigrated aboard the "Mayflower" landing November 11, 1620. Mayflower og Plymouth. Edward Winslow by Ruth C. McGuyre & Robert S. Wakefiled; John Billington by Harriet W. Hodge -- v. Thomas Adams (22691) ,5 Caleb Cooke (23980) m Sarah Adams (22167) , 6 Amos Cooke m Eunice Eaton, 7 Lydia Cooke (36445) m Thomas James Bradford,8 Maria Bradford m . Cristina C says: November 6, 2020 at 11:19 pm. John Cooke's mother Hester and the other children arrived in Plymouth in 1623 on the Anne. Hester Mahieu Cooke's name appears in 1646 in a description of the relationship among the various Protestant churches of Europe: In 1652 Cooke was among the 36 Plymouth colonists who purchased Dartmouth Township from Wampanoag leader Massasoit and his son Wamsutta. Not in Library. John Cooke was the last surviving male passenger of the Mayflower. Mary Allerton. Peter Brown of the Mayflower and his descendants for four generations -- v. 5. Bartholomew Allerton. The Plymouth Colony Archive Project [Go to Biographical Profiles • Wills • Probates • Search • Archive]. Henry is a Generation 9 Cooke and Warren (Mayflower passenger John Cooke, son of Francis, married Sarah Warren, daughter of Richard) as well as a Generation 8 White descendant. 6 Apr 1583 Blythe, Yorkshire, England d. 7 Apr 1663 Plymouth, MA: John and Susan Howell's Family History Pages This is a new discovery for me as I thought most of my ancestors originated in New York and New Brunswick. The Life of John. In August 1606 Francis Cooke and his wife moved to Norwich in county Norfolk in England. The spring meeting is an open meeting for those considering becoming a member. John Howland died February 23, 1673 at the age of 80. John S. Soule Cooke in Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New York Bulletin, NY., 1907 ". Download for print-disabled. John may have been the last of the male Mayflower passengers to die, and his death is commemorated with a stone and plaque in what is now Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Mayflower families through five generations: descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Wood: Babtized in Leyden between 1 January and 31 March 1607. Cooke, Mary (~1652 - >1708) b. Abt 1651/1652 in Plymouth,Plymouth,MA d. Aft 26 Apr 1708 in Dartmouth,Bristol,MA father: Cooke, John(1607 - 1695) mother: Warren, Sarah(~1614 - >1696) per MAYFLOWER INCREASINGS by Susan Roser died between 26 Apr 1708-25 Jan 1714/15 The Mission of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants is to gather together to honor and perpetuate the memory of our Mayflower Ancestors and the ideals of American freedoms and democracy, which have evolved from The Mayflower Compact signed by the Pilgrim Fathers when they reached Cape Cod shores in November, 1620. Reply. Francis Cooke came on the Mayflower with his eldest son John in 1620 and as such was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. Francis Cooke (c 1583 - April 7, 1663) was a Leiden Separatist who went to America in 1620 on the Pilgrim ship Mayflower, arriving at Plymouth in what became the Plymouth Colony.He was a founding member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and a signer of the Mayflower Compact.This early settler is one of the twenty-six male Pilgrims known to have descendants, and the longest living male . She married Lt. John Tomson (ca 1617-1696) at Plymouth on 26 December, 1645. The Mayflower left England on September 16, 1620 with 102 passengers plus crew, and after a grueling 66 day journey, the ship dropped anchor inside the hook tip of Cape Cod (Provincetown Harbor) on November 11 (dates in Old Style, Julian Calendar). The Society of Mayflower Descendants, or simply The Mayflower Society, wrote this for an anniversary of the landing, apparently in 1897. Died about age 59. John died 23 Nov 1695, having lived through the entire life of the Plymouth Colony. It is somewhat of mystery as to whether or not he actually existed. When John Cooke was born in 1618, in Kent, England, his father, Sir Walter Cook "Pilgrim", was 33 and his mother, Lady Dorothy Atwood, was 26. John Cooke was born 20 May 1608 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands to Francis Cooke (1583-1663) and Hester Mahieu (1582-1666) and died 23 November 1695 Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of unspecified causes. In his account of the families as of 1650, Bradford wrote: "Francis . Mayflower Compact. John Allerton* - A Mayflower seaman hired as colony labor for one year who was then to return to Leiden to assist church members with travel to America. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc. The Mission of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants is to gather together to honor and perpetuate the memory of our Mayflower Ancestors and the ideals of American freedoms and democracy, which have evolved from The Mayflower Compact signed by the Pilgrim Fathers when they reached Cape Cod shores in November, 1620. Isaac Allerton. Mayflower.org Mayflower & Early Families John Cooke is in the 9th generation of the family tree for Alice (Lee) Roosevelt (Ahnentafel #450). of Plymouth. Because he is the namesake of his father, who arrived on the Mayflower, I assume he died very young. To find other Mayflower descendents, search for: + 9: 10: 11: Francis Cooke: John Soule Cooke Sarah Cooke: John Hathaway: 16 children: 12 b. about 1583, England Most, if not all persons with underlined: 7: names on this chart, are direct descendents of Francis Cooke. Alexandra Cervenak, Sales Manager 508.746.5058 Sales@TheMayflowerSociety.org Jane Schleinzer, Insignia Chair 630.380.2089 . 1583 - April 7, 1663) was a passenger on the Mayflower.He was a signer of the Mayflower Compact and was an important member of Plymouth Colony.. Francis Cooke lived in England and then in Leiden Netherlands.. Cooke married Hester Mahieu at the French Walloon Church in Leiden. Children were: Sarah COOKE, Elizabeth COOKE, Hester/Esther COOKE, Mary COOKE, Mercy COOKE. 1616 d. 16 Jun 1696. They had 10 children: MARY COOKE, Sarah Cooke and 8 other children. One of my Mayflower 1620 ancestors is John Cooke (1607-1695), the son of Francis and Hester (Mahieu) Cooke. I, too, am descended from a father and son Mayflower passengers….Francis and John Cooke (my 9th and 10th great-grandfathers), as well as Richard Warren (my 10th great-grandfather) whose daughter Sarah married John Cooke. The will of John Cooke of Dartmouth, County of Bristol dated November 9, 1694, proved April 16, 1696, mentions wife Sarah; son-in-law Arthur Hathaway and his wife Sarah his daughter; son-in-law . John Cooke was a Mayflower passenger in his own right. He married in Plymouth on March 28, 1634, Sarah Warren, daughter of Pilgrim Richard and Elizabeth Warren of the Mayflower. My Mayflower 1620 Connections - Soule, White, Warren, Cooke, Brewster, Hopkins and Fuller I've posted before about my own connections to passengers on the Mayflower that landed at Plymouth in New England in December 1620, but I want to do it again. 1Alden, John m Priscilla Mullins, 2 Elizabeth Alden m William Pabodie, 3 Ruth Pabodie m Benjamin Bartlett, 3 Sarah Bartlett, m Israel Bradford m ,4 Bathsheba Bradford (9961) m Ens. About John Cooke, "Mayflower" Passenger. John Cooke, Francis Cooke, Stephen Hopkins, Giles Hopkins, William Bradford, Whilliam White and Resolved White are all my Grandpas!!! On 24 December 1636, John Harmon contracted to become the apprentice of Francis Cooke for seven years [PCR 1:46]. (See Cooke and Hopkins for that line.) He traveled with his father, Francis Cooke, on Mayflower. 2 A factual, unembellished version of the news was published two weeks earlier in the Fairhaven Star, November 13, 1902. The Mayflower originally was destined for the Hudson River, north of the 1607 Jamestown Settlement. The Warren Cousins is a Family Society for descendants of this Mayflower passenger. Mayflower Passengers Known to have Descendants: You are eligible to join the Society of Mayflower Descendants if you can document your descent from one or more of the passengers on the Mayflower voyage of 1620 that terminated on the shores of New England at Plymouth. Cooke was the only one of the original Pilgrims to actually move to the town, building a home and a . Mary (Norris) Allerton. by David Haas. Eleven people from the Speedwell (including our Great Grandfather Francis and John Cooke) boarded the Mayflower. Separatisterne købte skibet i Holland. Hester Mahieu Cooke (wife of Francis) along with Jane and Jacob (their children), immigrated aboard the "Anne" in 1623. PROVED: 8 May 1696 at Dartmouth (with memorandum 16 April 1696). His marriage intentions with Hester Mahieu were filed at Leiden, Holland 4 . John COOKE was the child of Francis COOKE and Hester MAHIEU. It is believed that he was the oldest surviving passenger of the Mayflower. Reach out and let us know if there is anything we can do for you. The item The family tree of Lt. John Tomson and Mary Cooke, daughter of Francis Cooke, a Mayflower passenger, [Sydney Dale Jay] represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in Indiana State Library. The Mayflower Compact In the name of God, Amen. 9th Great-granddaughter of Mayflower passenger Thomas Rogers — Line 1. And in all the books and research, there is no way to figure out for sure where John Cooke was laid to rest. John Cooke Lines John Cooke Liines Kit # 380169 0 Francis Cooke + Hester Mahieu 1 John Cooke + Sarah Warren 2 Mary Cooke + Phillip Taber 3 Phillip Taber + Margaret Wood 4 Martha Tabor + John Sheffield 5 Elizabeth Sheffield + Joseph Anthony 6 Joseph Anthony Jr + Henrietta Hillegas 7 Henrietta Anthony Hillegas + William Patton Francis was born circa 1583, his origins and parentage unknown; he died at Plymouth, 7 April 1663. Ebenezer's line runs as follows: Ebenezer Doten/Doty, John, John, John, Edward Doty of the Mayflower. William Bradford's Mayflower passenger list includes as passengers "Francis Cooke, and his sone John; But his wife & other children came afterwards". As a lad he had acquired an education superior to that of most of his contemporaries, which was evinced by his own achievements and shown in the strong, earnest character which distinguished him during . He died in 1695 in what is now Fairhaven, MA. He died at Dartmouth, MA on 23 Nov 1695. Esther Cooke was baptized 16 Aug 1650 in Plymouth, Mass. I did not find any Ebenezer Doten or Doty on the DAR's GRS and they likely did some sort of Revolutionary service so one of you ladies needs to get crackin'. John Cooke arrived in America at the age of 14 in the year 1620 with his father Francis aboard the Mayflower. He traveled on the Mayflower as a 13 or 14-year-old boy with his father, Francis Cooke , my 11 th great grandfather . Francis Cooke (ca. Footnotes. John Cooke, my 10 th great grandfather, was another Mayflower passenger. 1 John Cooke was not the youngest Mayflower passenger. Her parents were Rev. Includes citations for all sources. John Cooke, Francis Cooke, Stephen Hopkins, Giles Hopkins, William Bradford, Whilliam White and Resolved White are all my Grandpas!!! Cooke was a part time Baptist minister at Dartmouth. John Cooke was He was also of service in distributing Irish charity in 1677, after King Philip's War, and in 1678 John Russell, Lt. John Smith and John Cooke set the town rate. Married Hester Mahieu, who died after 8 June, 1666. 8: Use CTRL-F to search for names or dates. John Cooke. He married Sarah Warren (c1613-1696) 28 March 1634 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States. Francis Cooke, 1663 John Howland, 1672 Mary Winslow, 1676 George Soule, 1677 Gyles Hopkins, 1682/1683 Henry Sampson, 1684 Elizabeth Howland, 1686 John Cooke, 1694 Peregrine White, 1704 The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims and Its Place in the Life of Today Room 20's Colonial Web Page: The New England Colonies Per author Charles Edward Banks, a clue to his identity may exist in the following: a Francis, son of Thomas . 1975, General Society of Mayflower Descendants. John married Sarah Mayflower Cooke (born Warren) on month day 1633, at age 26 at marriage place, Massachusetts. He married Mary Roote on 1 December 1637, in Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Will of John Cooke. There is a memorial plaque to his memory on Pilgrim Street, Fairhaven, MA. Mayflower : a story of courage, community, and war. The . (See Cooke and Hopkins for that line.) The Cooke family, the first white people to settle in what is now Wyoming County, came to America in 1771, and belong to John Cooke. Francis Cooke signed the Mayflower Compact. She was a granddaughter of Francis COOKE Esther died 17- Apr 1671/72.. Mary Tomson was born in 1650 in Dartmouth, Mass. "Skeletons Unearthed" Francis Cooke (c. 1583 - April 7, 1663, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony) was a Leiden Separatist who came to America in 1620 on the Pilgrim ship Mayflower and a signer of the Mayflower Compact. The date & place of his death is also either not known or unavailable. * John 2 Cooke. Married to Elizabeth Ring on 16 Sep 1635 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co, MA. His ancestry is unknown and there are no records of the time found regarding his birth. She left Plymouth England on September 6, 1620 and arrived at Cape Cod Harbor on November 11, 1620. (#14399) Parents: Francis COOKE Mayflower and Hester LE MAHIEU. On 7 March 1636/7, Francis Cooke sued John Browne the elder and several others, and, on 7 June 1637, Francis Cooke, having sued Mr. John Browne, was granted an execution against him [PCR 1 . . Philbrick, Nathaniel (2006). The Maine Society holds three meetings annually for members and their guests. Background. He was married to Sarah WARREN on 28 Mar 1634. Reply Oh my goodness I love being related to folks on the Mayflower! My 9th great-grandmother - Mary, daughter of Francis (Mayflower Pilgrim) and Hester Mahieu Cooke, was born between March 1624 and 22 May 1627 at Plymouth, MA. References. Francis Cooke was given six shares in the division of . 0930270010 9780930270018. aaaa. 1606-1607 in Leiden, Netherlands . The Mayflower Compact - as it is known today - was signed by those 41 "true" Pilgrims on 11 November, 1620, and became the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. John COOKE was born bet. 8th Great-granddaughter of Mayflower passenger Richard Warren — Line 1. He is buried on Burial Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Information taken from: Mayflower Descendant, Vol. 2011. pp. John Cooke was baptized at Leyden, Holland between January and March 1607/8 and was, thus, about thirteen years old on arrival at Plymouth with his father, Francis Cooke in 1620 on the Mayflower. He was married on 28 Mar 1634 or 07-04-1634 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Verenigde Staten to Sarah Warren, they gave birth to 1 child. He had outlived all other male Mayflower passengers except John Cooke, son of Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke. In July, 1620, John Cooke and his father sailed from Leyden on the Speedwell, the smaller of two ships bound for America. John Cooke was born around 1607 in Leiden. Spouse (s)/Partner (s) and Child (ren): John married Sarah WARREN 28 March 1634 in Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony . For a third time, the Mayflower headed for the New World. I don't have a picture of the gravestone - but Susanne "Sam" Behling does on her web page with a biography of John Cooke . Cooke was the only one of the original Pilgrims to actually move to the town, building a home and a . Membership in the Maine Mayflower Society includes membership in the national society, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and a subscription to its magazine, The Mayflower Quarterly. DATED: 9 November 1694 at Dartmouth. Source citations are included at the bottom of the page. It's estimated in most data as 1637. Francis Cooke, of the Mayflower b. The following Mayflower passengers are known to have left proven descendants. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of John Cooke (c1607-1695) to other famous people. When the Speedwell sprung a leak and was deemed unseaworthy, the Cookes were transferred to the larger ship, Mayflower. John Cooke, oldest child of Francis Cooke and Hester Mahieu, was born ca 1607 in Leiden, South Holland and baptized there between Jan and 31 Mar 1607. 1, 1917 . John was an immigrant to the United States, arriving by 1620. Determining Your Eligibility. Cooke efterlod sin kone Hester og deres mindre børn; de skulle følge efter, når kolonien var etableret. Reply. His wife, Hester, soon followed on the Anne in 1623. Barbara Bush and her springer spaniel, Millie, at the White House. Josiah Cooke Sr. NOT the son of Francis Cook and Hester Mahieu. I refer you to a more careful reading of Anderson's Great Migration's sketch of Josias. Photo by Carol Powers Courtesy of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Anderson explicitly states Josias is not the son of Francis of the Mayflower. He died some time before the Mayflower departed for England on April 5, 1621. Abt 1626 d. 21 Mar 1696 married John (Tomson) Thompson b. However, ancestors from this family were not part of the Cookes that settled in what is now Wyoming County. Thanks for more information on researching Cousin . John married Sarah Warren, a daughter of Richard Warren, and had 5 children. John Cooke, the last survivor of the Mayflower passengers and Sarah Warren. 5. Revised indexes to Mayflower families through five generations (Francis Eaton - Samuel Fuller - William White) -- Supp. *Francis Cooke: Born after August, 1583, England, died 7 April, 1663, Plymouth. His wife and three other children followed on the Ann. I could not find the exact date or place of birth for John. Cristina C says: November 6, 2020 at 11:19 pm. John Cooke (Mayflower) was born on January 1, 1606 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. From Wampanoag leader Massasoit and his son Wamsutta > Old Dartmouth Historical Sketch.! 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